[스크랩] 라파엘의 성모 마리아
kuwait park
2010. 8. 2. 16:35
라파엘의 성모 마리아
볼프 페라리 (Wolf-Ferrari,Ermanno 1876-1948)
<성모의 보석> (I gioielli della Madonna)

The Virgin Mary - EL GRECO.
1594-1604.Oil on canvas, 52 x 41 cm.Museo del Prado, Madrid |

Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows-ISENBRANT, Adriaen.
Mater Dolorosa(with clasped hands)-TIZIANO Vecellio.
1550.Oil on canvas,68 x 61cm.Museo del Prado,Madrid

The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin-DURER, Albrecht.
c.1496. Oil on panel,Alte Pinakothek,Munchen and Gemaldegalerie, Dresden

Pieta - UNKNOWN MASTER,German.c.1400.

Mater Dolorosa - QUELLIN, Artus I.1650.Polychrome wood.Sint-Jacobskerk, Antwerp

Mater Dolorosa - MEMLING, Hans.
1480s.Oil on wood, 55 x 33 cm.Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
출처 : 사오십대 쉼터
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