Jaqueline Comerre-Paton, At The Spring George Henry Boughton, A Spring Idyll , 1901 Pietro Gabrini(1865-1926) [봄축제]A Spring Festival,1910 Waterhouse [나의 아름다운 장미]My Sweet Rose, c. approx. 1903
John William Waterhouse (British, 1849-1917) [봄철의 노래]A Song of Springtime , 1913 Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema(1836-1912) [의견이 서로 다름]A Difference of Opinion, 1896 Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema(1836-1912) [봄의 약속]Promise of Spring, 1890 Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema(1836-1912) [그해 봄날에]The Year is at the Spring, 1902 John William Waterhouse [아네모네](바람꽃)Windflowers, c.1903, oil on canvas, private collection Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema(1836-1912) [플로라]Flora: Spring in the Gardens of the Villa Borghese, 1877 Pierre-Auguste Cot, [봄철]Springtime, 1873 Luc-Olivier Merson, Awakening Spring Thirion Charles Victor, At the Spring
Anthony Frederick Sandys(British, 1829-1904) [온화한 봄]Gentle Spring,1865